What on earth is HVAC? What does it stand for and does my house have or need it?
Heating a home or building keeps it comfortable for living, of course we all know that. What about the other benefits? Heat dispels moisture reducing moisture build up in the walls and structure. When moisture levels rise building materials break down and mold accumulates.
Ventilation serves multiple purposes, it carries warm or cool air to different parts of the home/building depending on the season. Ventilation also helps prevent moisture buildup and condensation in areas that would otherwise condensate causing damage such as rot, mold/mildew leading to expensive repairs.
Air Conditioning a seemingly magical thing that cools our homes and businesses to comfortable temperatures. An added perk of air conditioning most people don’t think about is how much water it removes from the air. Dryer air feels cooler and produces less condensation.
Preconstruction Planning
Building a new house, have you considered who will do install the Heating and Ventilatio? What about the central AC system? Call Miller Mechanical, LLC today.
HVAC Repairs/Updates
Are you left freezing because your furnace quit, or perhaps you sweating because that AC unit keeps freezing up. Guess what, Miller Mechanical is only one call away. Call us today to see how we can solve your problems today.